Developing Rural Infrastructure
Our villages epitomise sustainable living. To preserve the same while ensuring basic facilities are provided for, Abhedya has undertaken initiatives for asset building. These are – construction of canals and check dams for irrigation, installation of solar panels for electrification and maintenance of the community hall. The projects being capital intensive are work in progress .
Village IT Lab
● It serves2 fold purpose – undertake data entry projects, train kids in basic IT
● Longer term plan is to create an IT offshore centre run by local youth
Solar Panels
Our Village IT Lab is now SOLAR POWERED .
Maintaining Community Spaces
The Village Community Hall or the ‘Samudayik Bhavan’ is the center of all educational, cultural, and community activities.
· Electrification of the entire hall has been done with the help of our kind supporters.
· HD projector and sound system have been installed in the main classroom which facilitates audio-visual learning for our kids.
· We have installed a printer/scanner/Copier in the community center. Our youth operating it. Now villagers do not require to walk miles to get photocopies done.
Water for Irrigation
Our organisation carried out a survey in nearby forest area and identified 1000 GPS locations to build check dams, stop dams and gabion structures. We have the exact technological specifications for these 100 structures . We are looking for partners who could help us fund this initiative and resolve the water problem .