Past Projects
Ancient well revived
During Corona crisis, our village youngsters team revived 2 ancient wells in the village. This was a big relief to the farmers living near these wells as the village has a water scarcity problem. Now some farmers have enough water for their crops.
Solar panels for IT Lab
We have an IT lab in our community hall in the village which is running by solar power now, thanks to the Abhedya team and village youngsters for help in installation and donors who gave us financial backup to buy and install these solar panels.

IT Lab in village
We have developed an IT Lab in our village for students to learn and earn. Computer literacy is a must these days and our youngsters are ready to take on IT projects as we have an IT lab for them to practice and work on projects, thanks to the patrons who supported us.
Corona Relief Work
During Corona pandemic, our local Abhedya team reached out to the local families as well as nearby villagers and distributed ration and provisions. 7-8 villages were covered and thousands of people were helped.
Organic farming
Abhedya team with the help of experts helped village farmers to start organic farming in the village. We also provided them with training and a market to sell their produce on fair rates.

Ayushman cards
Our team members went door to door in the village to 200 plus houses for a survey of Ayushman card (Govt Health insurance Scheme). They helped in get one and educated them on its usage and benefits.
LPG gas connection
Abhedya local team went door to door in the village to help villagers fill out the form and documentation for getting LPG gas connections for their homes. Village females are using gas for cooking now.
Check dams
Our Village kekadiya has water scarcity problem for which Abhedya decided to have survey if a DAM construction is a possibility. Survey of the site was done by Rural Engineering Services, Collector Bhopal, CEO Zila Panchayat & few other friends & officers.

IT company for villagers
Kanhaiya the first Engineer from our village led village youth to launch an IT company where the youngsters did data entry projects and earned. More Data entry projects are welcome, if you have any, please contact us here.
Small business
A village youngster Deependra opened a mobile repair shop in the village with the help and guidance. Also Bhagirath opened an MP online store to help villagers in their online documentation needs.
Honey Bee Farming
Village youth started the Honey Bee farming in the village itself with the help of Abhedya. An expert team was invited for training the farmers.

Toilets in homes
Our boys went door to door during the night as well, explaining people how to start building toilets & how the gov is going to help them. Every home in the village has toilet now.
FPO for farmers
Experts visited the village to explain the concept of FPO (Farmer Producer Organization) to the farmers. Our team worked very hard to bring marginalized farmers together from outside of our villages too. We have created an FPO for them.
School Infrastructure
Govt school in village was in a very bad state, we helped getting funds for its infrastructure and other needs including furniture for students, denting-painting, and even mid day meals regularity in the school.

Aadhar card link to bank
Our team members went door to door to help villagers in paperwork to link their Aadhar card to the bank account. They helped them opening their bank account and the paper work for getting Aadhar card as well.
IT lab Revamp
We have opened an IT Lab in village community center for youngsters with the help of our patrons. The computers are worn out and we are in process of revamping the IT lab including denting painting, buying new computers etc.
Smart Class
Smart class in village school was a dream of children which recently came true with the help of Rotary club. We have smart class tools now, the room needs AC and window fabrication for sustainability of the smart class system...

Plantation Drive
We have done plantation drive in our village for rainy months. Kekadiya village is struggling with water scarcity. It receives very less rains. Planting more trees there will help the locals having better chance of more rains in the region also better climate during hot months. Be a part of this noble cause.